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In These Moments | It's in the Details | laura ann photography, Cary, Raleigh, Durham, & Chapel Hill Family Photographer

Sometimes it's the littlest details that can bring you back to a moment in time.

When you are a storytelling photographer, it is important to photograph your subject from all angles. This month for the "In These Moments" monthly blog circle, we are showcasing details.

I have chosen to highlight my "Scary Halloween Porch." I say that with quotes because my daughters really wanted to make our porch scary, but I like it to have mums and pumpkins and look, "pretty." This year I let them do basically whatever they wanted with some things that they picked up at the dollar store with their grandmother. I don't think it was the scariest house on the block, but I think they did a great job (especially with those spider webs that I am terrible at putting out). Personally, I think the creepiest things are the hanging skeletons. Scroll down and see how they did.

Documentary photos of everyday moments are a great way to share your lives with far away family.

My mom helped my kids pick out many of the decorations when she visited in August. She really wanted to see the end result but doesn't live nearby. I promised her I would send her some pictures of what they had done. That is the great thing about photographs - documentary/storytelling ones specifically - they are great for sharing your life with your family when they live far away. My children have never (until very recently) lived near anyone in their family. My photos of them and our life have been the best way to share our daily life with my parents, my in-laws, aunts, uncles, etc. 

Here are some images of them on the porch in this year's costumes.

You've probably noticed that I didn't include any candid images of the girls actually decorating.

Here is a little secret about me - yes, I love to photograph the kids doing everyday things. Sometimes, like every other mom I know, when my kids get busy and involved in an activity that doesn't require my help, I take a few minutes of "me" time to read, rest, watch tv, play solitaire ... you get the idea OR I do things around the house like, cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc. Sometimes, I just don't feel like taking out my camera and sometimes I don't get the shots. And when that happens - I give myself grace (as all mother's should!). For this particular story of "Halloween 2016" I have these detail shots, I have my yearly pumpkin patch images, I have pictures of them carving their pumpkins and I have their Halloween costume pics. And that is more than enough for me. Cheers!

Please click here to see Mia Lynn Photography's post, "It's In The Details."