Saturday Morning Family Session | laura ann photography, Cary, NC Family Photographer

A typical Saturday morning at our house involves pancakes, pajamas, and play.

Play can be anything from reading in bed to watching cartoons to Legos to playing with American Girl dolls to iPods to biking and rollerblading to swinging on the playset to ... you get the idea. During the fall and spring often it involves hectic chaos as we rush out to a soccer game (or three!). For the most part, though, it is the most relaxed morning of our week and I LOVE it!

During the planning process for photography sessions, a question that I always ask my clients is, "What does a typical Saturday morning look like in your home?" The lull in the hustle and bustle of school and/or workday mornings is welcomed by many of us. I find that many families have routines and special family activities that they do on those long awaited, coveted weekend mornings. It just so happens that it is a great time to do an in-home documentary family photography session because of these special family routines. These are the times that we will look back at and remember as being special and the most memorable.

The family photography session that is featured in today's blog was a typical Saturday morning last spring.

Robin Kegerise was getting ready to launch her new career coaching business for women and she wanted both family portraits to treasure and also images that would work well for her website and business needs. Her goal in her business is to help women to have a "fulfilling career and flourishing family."  What better way to illustrate that than to give potential clients a peek at what a typical weekend day looks like for her and her family. She was very clear in the session planning consultation that certain things needed to be captured during their session - big sister just learned to ride a two-wheeler, the girls playing in their rooms or playroom, the sweetness and joy of her littlest love, and each of the parents interacting with and loving on their children. (You can read my post HERE on how strongly I feel about moms, especially, getting in photos with their children.)

Take a look and see their "Saturday Morning Session".


Robin Kegerise and I have been acquaintances for some time and I can say, in all honesty, the following statements are true about her: 1. She does actually plan out her meals on the chart in her kitchen with her kids. 2. She believes there is room in an organized life for some messiness. (Take a look back at her daughter's room - kids will be kids, won't they?!?) 3. She is SUPER organized and 4. Her family REALLY is as cute and fun as they look! Robin is opening registration for her first group coaching program on August 26th. It's called "Intentional Fall: 8 Weeks of Purposeful Planning and Action." If you need help in planning and organizing your thriving family, definitely head over to her site and check it out at

I'll end this post with a question for you: "What does a typical Saturday morning look like for your family?" I'd love to document your everyday moments with your children. There's never been a better time to "remember now". 

Contact Laura today to schedule your session in the Cary, Raleigh, Durham, NC area.
